\name{split.SpliceSites} \alias{split.SpliceSites} \title{ split an instance of SpliceSites } \description{ Split an instance of SpliceSites into several instances of SpliceSites } \usage{ \method{split}{SpliceSites}(x, f = list(typeI = NA, typeII = NA), drop=NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ an instance of class \code{\link{SpliceSites-class}}. } \item{f}{ a list of two factors (see details). } \item{drop}{not used (here to keep R CMD check happy)} \item{...}{see \code{drop} above.} } \details{ The split usually is performed on a factor. Two factors are required because of the two categories of splicing events (type I (deletion of a fragment of the reference sequence) and type II (insertion of an element of the reference sequence). A \code{character} can be used instead of a \code{factor}. In this case the covariates with the given name, in the slots \code{spsiteIpos.pData} and \code{spsiteIIpos.pData} respectively, are used to make the split. When equal to \code{NA}, the covariate named \code{site} will be used. } \value{ A list of objects of class \code{SpliceSites} } \seealso{ \code{\link{SpliceSites-class}} } \examples{ data(spsites) split(spsites) } \keyword{ manip }