\name{getRelSignStrength} \alias{getRelSignStrength} \alias{getFinalRatio} \title{ functions to perform SPLICE } \description{ Implementations of the SPLICE algorithm } \usage{ getRelSignStrength(x, tissue = as.factor(1:ncol(x)), fun = mean, nipt = 30, nitt = 30, ...) getFinalRatio(x, tissue=as.factor(1:ncol(x)), fun=mean, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a matrix. One probe per line, one column per sample. Typically this would be the slot \code{exprs} of an instance of class \code{ExprSet}.} \item{tissue}{ a covariate (factor) about the samples.} \item{fun}{ a function to obtain a summary value (\code{mean} by default) } \item{nipt}{ see reference. } \item{nitt}{ see reference. } \item{\dots}{ optional parameters for the function \code{fun} } } \details{ \code{getFinalRatio} will call \code{getRelSignStrength}. The values are log-transformed. It is probably a good idea to avoid feeding function with values that are already on log scale. } \value{ A matrix of the same dimension than the input \code{x}, holding 'RSS' (Relative Signal Strength) or 'final ratios' respectively, as described in the reference. Two attributes \code{nip} and \code{nit} are attached the returned matrix. } \references{ Genome Research (2001), Hu et. al., vol. 11, p.1244 } \author{ laurent@cbs.dtu.dk } \examples{ data(spliceset) ## The intensity values in the example are log-transformed. ## Undo by taking the exponential exprs(spliceset) <- exp(exprs(spliceset)) ## Re-order the rows of different slots to have the probes sorted by ## position spliceset <- sort.SpliceExprSet(spliceset) ## extract the expression matrix expr.m <- exprs(spliceset) fr <- getFinalRatio(expr.m, tissue=pData(spliceset@eset)[[1]]) } \keyword{ manip }