\name{buildSpliceSites} \alias{buildSpliceSites} \alias{queryPALSdb} \alias{getPALSdbURL} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Functions to query PALSdb } \description{ Functions to make a query on PALSdb, and build objects from the result of a query. } \usage{ queryPALSdb(query, disp = c("data", "browser"), field = c("keyword", "ug.id", "gb.id", "human.cytoband", "mouse.cytoband", "cluster_count"), species = c("human", "mouse"), e.value = "1e-1", ident.threshold = c("90\% 50b", "95\% 50b", "90\% 45b")) getPALSdbURL(query, disp = c("data", "browser"), field = c("keyword", "ug.id", "gb.id", "human.cytoband", "mouse.cytoband", "cluster_count"), species = c("human", "mouse"), e.value = "1e-1", ident.threshold = c("90\% 50b", "95\% 50b", "90\% 45b")) buildSpliceSites(xml, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{query}{query string} \item{xml}{an object of class XML (as returned by \code{\link[XML]{xmlTreeParse}})} \item{disp}{(idem \code{\link[annotate]{genbank}} and \code{\link[annotate]{pubmed}})} \item{field}{The field on which the query will be based} \item{species}{the specie to work with} \item{e.value}{E-value} \item{ident.threshold}{threshold for matching sequences} \item{verbose}{verbose output.} } \details{ \code{queryPALSdb} returns an an object of class XML when \code{disp = "data"}. The function \code{buildSpliceSites} constructs \code{SpliceSites} objects from the XML data. The variables in the slots \code{spsiteIpos.pData} and \code{spsiteIIpos.pData} are at least \code{tissue} (tissue information), \code{histology} and \code{site} (site numbering). } \value{ An object of class \code{XML} for \code{queryPALSdb}, an URL for \code{getPALSdbURL} or a \code{list} of objects of class \code{SpliceSites}. } \references{"Standardazed output for putative alternative splicing: application to the study of splice variants with microarrays", Gautier L. et al., 2003, manuscript in preparation.} \author{ laurent@cbs.dtu.dk } \seealso{\code{\link{queryPALSdb}}} \examples{ library(XML) filename <- system.file("data", "example.xml", package="splicegear") xml <- xmlTreeParse(filename, asTree=TRUE) spsites <- buildSpliceSites(xml) } \keyword{ manip }