\name{Probes-class} \docType{class} \alias{Probes-class} \alias{initialize,Probes-method} \alias{show,Probes-method} \alias{plot,Probes-method} \alias{plot,Probes-method} \alias{grid.plot,Probes,missing-method} \alias{grid.plot,Probes,SpliceSites-method} \alias{plot,Probes,missing-method} \alias{plot,Probes,SpliceSites-method} \title{Class "Probes" } \description{Information about a set of probes } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("Probes", pos)} or \code{new("Probes", pos, info)}. The object are primarily storing the location of the probe on a matching sequence sequence. Optional information can be stored in the slot \code{info} (a \code{data.frame}). } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{pos}:}{Object of class \code{"matrix"}. It expects one row per probe. The first column should give the start position while the second column should give the end position} \item{\code{info}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"}. Optional information one wishes to carry around can be stored here.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "Probes")}: ... } \item{show}{\code{signature(object)}: show minimal information} \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "Probes", y = "missing")}: plot the position of the probes. (see \code{\link{plot.Probes}}) } \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "Probes", y = "SpliceSites")}: plot the positions of the probes and the positions of the splice sites} } } \seealso{ \code{\link{SpliceSites-class}}, \code{\link{SpliceExprSet-class}}, } \examples{ data(probes) plot(probes) } \keyword{classes}