\name{plot.snp.dprime} \alias{plot.snp.dprime} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function to draw the pairwise D' in a eps file } \description{ \code{plot.snp.dprime} takes a \code{\link[=snp.dprime-class]{snp.dprime}} object and draw an eps file to visualize the pairwise D', $r^2$ and LOD. } \usage{ \method{plot}{snp.dprime}(x, filename, scheme = "standard", do.notes = FALSE, metric=NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{\link[=snp.dprime-class]{snp.dprime}}} \item{filename}{The output file name, preferably ending with ".eps" (not enforced)} \item{scheme}{The colour scheme used. Valid values are "standard" for the Haploview default, and "rsq" for grayscale $r^2$. More may come later} \item{do.notes}{Boolean for whether to generate pdf annotation-related code} \item{metric}{An integer vector, detailing the chromosome position of the SNP, to drawa scaled metric of the location of the SNP. If NULL, no metric would be drawn} \item{...}{place holder} } \details{ Annotation is a little used pdf features where certain part of a pdf file are hot spots where one can get pop-up balloons containing extra information, which doesn't appear in print. This is written to imitate the extra information one can get from right-clicking in Haploview's GUI. } \value{ return nothing. Write a file as a result. And if \code{do.notes} is specified, Will also suggest user to execute \code{ps2pdf -dEPSCrop } to get a suitable pdf. } \references{ Clayton, D.G. and Leung, Hin-Tak (2007) An R package for analysis of whole-genome association studies. \emph{Human Heredity} \bold{64}:45-51.\cr GSL (GNU Scientific Library) \url{http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/}\cr The postscript language reference manual: \url{http://www.adobe.com/products/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf}\cr The pdf specification: \url{http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/pdf/PDFReference16.pdf} } \author{Hin-Tak Leung \email{htl10@users.sourceforge.net}} \note{ Unfortunately, there are two problems with annotations: only Acrobat Reader (out of all the pdf viewers, e.g. xpdf, kpdf, evince, various ghostscript based viewers) implements the feature, and a few thousand annotations can really make Acrobat Reader crawl. Also, Acrobat Reader has an implementation limit of 200 inches of the widest dimension of a document. This translates to 1200 snps in the current implementation of the drawing code, hence a warning is emitted that pdf written this way is not viewable by Acrobat Reader.(but viewable by xpdf, etc). A work around is possible based on LaTeX pdfpage, or eps can be included with scaling in another document, to stay inside 200 inches. The eps output is curently scaled to fit the long edge to A4 Landscape. Users of gsview (up to version 4.9, a popular postcript file viewer on windows) should configure "A4" and "Rotate Media" under "Media" for correct display. Other useful options for running ghostscript are "-dEPSCrop" (for clipping again the bounding box) and "-dAutoRotatePages=/None" (to disable the automatic rotation based on text-run direction, i.e. not to rotate for SNP names running the right-way up). There is a Google Summer of code \url{http://code.google.com/soc/} 2006 project to improve kpdf's annotation support. \url{http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE\%20Google\%20SoC\%202006\%20ideas#id60851} I am involved. } \seealso{\code{\link{snp.dprime-class}}} \examples{ data(testdata) # As for ld.snp example ... data(testdata) ldinfo <- ld.snp(Autosomes, start=1, end=500, depth=50) # Now plot to an eps file plot.snp.dprime(ldinfo, filename="test.eps") } \keyword{htest} \keyword{models} \keyword{models} \keyword{hplot}