\name{read.clonesinfo} \alias{read.clonesinfo} \title{Reading chromsome and positional information about each clone.} \description{ Function to read the chromosomal position information of each clone and incorporate it into the genes data.frame of the relevant object. } \usage{ read.clonesinfo(file, RG, path = NULL, sep="\t", quote="\"") } \arguments{ \item{file}{Name of the file containing the chromosomal information.} \item{RG}{Object containing a \$genes data.frame that the information should be incorporated into.} \item{path}{Path to the chromosomal information file.} \item{sep}{Identifying the column seperator in the designated file.} \item{quote}{Identifying the quotation character used in the designated file.} } \author{Mike Smith} \keyword{methods}