\name{find.param.three} \alias{find.param.three} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Yields output when there are 3 underlying states} \description{ This function provides the output (means/variances, transition matrix, likelihood) when the heterogeneous HMM is fitted with three underlying states. It is a workhorse of the process.data function. } \usage{ find.param.three(output.optim,var.fixed) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{output.optim}{The output from fitting a heterogeneous HMM when there are four underlying states } \item{var.fixed}{ Logical variable - TRUE if you want the variances to be tied across states. Defaults to FALSE} } \value{ This function outputs the state means/variances, transition matrices, rate parameters, maximised likelihood and convergence information provided by fitting a heterogeneous HMM with three underlying states.} \author{ John Marioni} \keyword{ misc}