\name{Viterbi.three} \alias{Viterbi.three} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ A scaled Viterbi algorithm for allocating clones to one of two underlying states.} \description{ A work horse of the fit.model function. It uses a scaled version of the Viterbi algorithm to allocate clones to one of three underlying states as fitted using a heterogeneous HMM. } \usage{ Viterbi.three(y, BFGS.output, BFGS.trans) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{y}{ the data to be allocated to states} \item{BFGS.output}{ The output obtained from the find.param.three function } \item{BFGS.trans}{ A list of the heterogeneous transition matrices } } \value{ A vector of numbers indicating to which state clones are allocated to. } \author{ John Marioni} \keyword{ misc}