\name{IDProbes} \alias{IDProbes} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Interactive version of genomePlot} \description{ Interactive version of \code{\link{genomePlot}}. Allows the user to click near a probe and the name of that probe will be displayed next to it. } \usage{ IDProbes(input, array = 1, naut = 22, Y = FALSE, X = FALSE, status, values, pch, cex, col, chrominfo = chrominfo.Mb, ylim = c(-2, 2), ylb = "Log2Ratio", chrom.to.plot = 1, xlim = c(0,NA)) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{input}{an object of class \code{\link[limma:malist]{MAList}} or \code{\link[snapCGH:SegList]{SegList}}} \item{array}{integer of the array (sample) to be plotted.} \item{naut}{number of autosomes in the organism} \item{Y}{TRUE if chromosome Y is to be plotted, FALSE otherwise} \item{X}{TRUE if chromosome X is to be plotted, FALSE otherwise} \item{status}{character vector giving the control status of each spot on the array, of same length as the number of rows of \code{log2ratios(input)}. If omitted, all points are plotted in the default color, symbol and size.} \item{values}{character vector giving values of \code{status} to be highlighted on the plot. Defaults to unique values of \code{status}. Ignored if there is no \code{status} vector.} \item{pch}{vector or list of plotting characters. Default to integer code 16. Ignored is there is no \code{status} vector.} \item{col}{numeric or character vector of colors, of the same length as \code{values}. Defaults to \code{1:length(values)}. Ignored if there is no \code{status} vector.} \item{cex}{numeric vector of plot symbol expansions, of the the same length as \code{values}. Defaults to 0.2 for the most common \code{status} value and 1 for the others. Ignored if there is no \code{status} vector.} \item{chrominfo}{a chromosomal information associated with the mapping of the data.} \item{ylim}{Minimum y-scale to use for plotting.} \item{chrom.to.plot}{Specify which chromosome to plot} \item{ylb}{label for the Y-axis.} \item{xlim}{limits for the x-axis} } \seealso{ \code{\link{genomePlot}} } \author{Mike Smith} \keyword{hplot}