\name{link.siggenes} \alias{link.siggenes} \title{Links for a SAM or an EBAM object} \description{ Generates a html page with links to several public repositories for a list of genes called differentially expressed when using a specific Delta value in a SAM or an EBAM analysis. } \usage{ link.siggenes(object, delta, filename, gene.names = NULL, addDataFrame = TRUE, entrez = TRUE, refseq = TRUE, symbol = TRUE, omim = FALSE, ug = FALSE, fullname = FALSE, which.refseq = "NM", chipname = "", cdfname = NULL, refsnp = NULL, max.associated = 2, n.digits = 3, title = NULL, bg.col = "white", text.col = "black", link.col = "blue", tableborder = 1, new.window = TRUE, load = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a SAM or an EBAM object.} \item{delta}{a numerical value specifying the Delta value.} \item{filename}{character string naming the file in which the output should be stored. Must have the suffix ".html".} \item{gene.names}{a character vector of the same length as \code{object@d} (or \code{object@z}) containing the names of the genes. Must only be specified if it is not specified in \code{object}, i.e. if it has not been specified in \code{sam} (or \code{ebam}).} \item{addDataFrame}{logical indicating if gene-specific information on the differentially expressed genes should be added to the output.} \item{entrez}{logical indicating if Entrez links should be added to the output.} \item{refseq}{logical indicating if RefSeq links should be added to the output.} \item{symbol}{logical indicating if the gene symbols should be added to the output.} \item{omim}{logical indicating if OMIM links should be added to the output.} \item{ug}{logical indicating if UniGene links should be added to the output.} \item{fullname}{logical indicating whether the full gene names should be added to the output.} \item{which.refseq}{character string or vector naming the first two letters of the RefSeq links that should be displayed in the html file.} \item{chipname}{character string specifying the chip type used in the analysis. Must be specified as in the meta-data section of Bioconductor (e.g., \code{"hgu133a"} for the Affymetrix HG-U133A chip). Needs not to be specified if \code{cdfname} is specified. For Affymetrix SNP chips (starting with the 500k array set), \code{chipname} can be specified by the metadata package name, i.e.\ either by \code{"pd.genomewidesnp.5"}, by \code{"pd.genomewidesnp.6"}, by \code{"pd.mapping250k.nsp"}, or by \code{"pd.mapping250k.sty"}, to add links to the Affymetrix webpage of the SNPs to the html output.} \item{cdfname}{character string specifying the cdf name of the used chip. Must exactly follow the nomenclatur of the Affymetrix chips (e.g., \code{"HG-U133A"} for the Affymetrix HG-U133A chip). If specified, links to the Affymetrix webpage for the interesting genes will be added to the output. If SNP chips are considered, \code{chipname} instead of \code{cdfname} must be specified for obtaining these links.} \item{refsnp}{either a character vector or a data frame. If the former, \code{refsnp} containis the RefSNP IDs of the SNPs used in the SAM/EBAM analysis, where \code{names(refsnp)} specifies the names of these SNPs, i.e.\ their probe set IDs. If a data frame, then one column of \code{refsnp} must contain the RefSNP IDs of the SNPs, and the name of this column must be \code{RefSNP}. The other columns can contain additional annotations such as the chromosome or the physical position of each SNPs. The row names of \code{refsnp} must specify the SNPs, i.e.\ must be the probe set IDs of the SNPs. Using \code{buildSNPannotation} from the package \pkg{scrime} such a data frame can be generated automatically from the metadata package corresponding to the considered SNP chip.} \item{max.associated}{integer specifying the maximum number of genes associated with the respective SNP displayed in the html output. If all entries should be shown, set \code{max.associated = 0}. This however might result in a very large html output. For details, see \code{shortenGeneDescription} in the package \pkg{scrime}.} \item{n.digits}{integer specifying the number of decimal places used in the output.} \item{title}{character string naming the title that should be used in the html page.} \item{bg.col}{specification of the background color of the html page. See \code{?par} for how colors can be specified.} \item{text.col}{specification of the color of the text used in the html page. See \code{?par} for how colors can be specified.} \item{link.col}{specification of the color of the links used in the html file. See \code{?par} for how colors can be specified.} \item{tableborder}{integer specifying the thickness of the border of the table.} \item{new.window}{logical indicating if the links should be opened in a new window.} \item{load}{logical value indicating whether to attempt to load the required annotation data package if it is not already loaded. For details, see the man page of \code{lookUp} in the package \pkg{annotate}.} } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schw@gmx.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{sam}}, \code{\link{ebam}}, \code{\link{link.genes}}, \code{\link{sam2html}}, \code{\link{ebam2html}} } \keyword{IO} \keyword{file}