\name{limma2sam} \alias{limma2sam} \alias{limma2ebam} \title{limma to SAM or EBAM} \description{ Transforms the output of an analysis with \pkg{limma} into a \code{SAM} or \code{EBAM} object, such that a SAM or EBAM analysis, respectively, can be performed using the test statistics provided by \pkg{limma}. } \usage{ limma2sam(fit, coef, moderate = TRUE, sam.control = samControl()) limma2ebam(fit, coef, moderate = TRUE, delta = 0.9, ebam.control = ebamControl()) } \arguments{ \item{fit}{an object of class \code{MArrayLM}, i.e.\ the output of the functions \code{eBayes} and \code{lmFit} from the \pkg{limma} package.} \item{coef}{column number or name corresponding to the coefficient or contrast of interest. For details, see the argument \code{coef} of the function \code{topTable} in \pkg{limma}.} \item{moderate}{should the \pkg{limma} t-statistic be considered? If \code{FALSE}, the ordinary t-statistic is used in the trasnsformation to a \code{SAM} or \code{EBAM} object. If \code{TRUE}, it is expected that \code{fit} is the output of \code{eBayes}. Otherwise, \code{fit} can be the result of \code{lmFit} or \code{eBayes}.} \item{sam.control}{further arguments for the SAM analysis. See \code{\link{samControl}} for these arguments, which should only be changed if they are fully understood.} \item{delta}{the minimum posterior probability for a gene to be called differentially expressed (or more generally, for a variable to be called significant) in an EBAM analysis. For details, see \code{\link{ebam}}. Please note that the meaning of \code{delta} differs substantially between \code{\link{sam}} and \code{\link{ebam}}} \item{ebam.control}{further arguments for an EBAM analysis. See \code{\link{ebamControl}} for these arguments, which should only be changed if their meaning is fully understood.} } \value{ An object of class \code{SAM} or \code{EBAM}. } \references{ Efron, B., Tibshirani, R., Storey, J.D. and Tusher, V. (2001). Empirical Bayes Analysis of a Microarray Experiment. \emph{JASA}, 96, 1151-1160. Smyth, G.K. (2004). Linear Models and Empirical Bayes Methods for Assessing Differential Expression in Microarray Experiments. \emph{Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology}, 3(1), Article 3. Tusher, V.G., Tibshirani, R., and Chu, G. (2001). Significance Analysis of Microarrays Applied to the Ionizing Radiation Response. \emph{PNAS}, 98, 5116-5121. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{sam}}, \code{\link{ebam}}, \code{\link{SAM-class}}, \code{\link{EBAM-class}}, \code{\link{samControl}}, \code{\link{ebamControl}}} \keyword{htest}