\name{safedag} \alias{safedag} \title{ SAFE results displayed in Gene Ontology } \description{ SAFE results are displayed on the directed acyclic graph for one of the ontologies under investigation. Category-wide significance displayed by node color. } \synopsis{ safedag(object = NULL, ontology = NULL, top = NULL, file = NULL, color.cutoffs = c(0.1, 0.01, 0.001), filter = 0, max.GOnames = 200) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ Object of class \code{SAFE} } \item{ontology}{ Gene Ontology of interest. Character strings of "GO.CC", "GO.BP", and "GO.MF" accepted.} \item{top}{ Optional character string giving the node name from which to draw a subgraph of the tree} \item{file}{Optional filename for a post-script of the graph } \item{color.cutoffs}{ Numeric vector of length 3 for the cutoffs for coloring significant nodes. Nodes with unadjusted p-values less than \code{color.cutoff[3]} are drawn in blue; less than \code{color.cutoff[2]} are drawn in green; less than \code{color.cutoff[1]} are drawn in red.} \item{filter}{ Optional integer (1,2,3) to only include branches that contain at least one node as significant as the respective color.cutoff. } \item{max.GOnames}{ Maximum size of DAG to include category names as labels.} } \details{ DAG-plots are suggested as a means for visualizing the extent of differential expression in Gene Ontology categories. The relatedness of significant categories suggests whether similar or disparate biological findings are identified. } \references{ W. T. Barry, A. B. Nobel and F.A. Wright, 2005, \emph{Significance Analysis of functional categories in gene expression studies: a structured permutation approach}, \emph{Bioinformatics} \bold{21}(9) 1943--1949. See also the vignette included with this package. } \author{ William T. Barry: \email{bill.barry@duke.edu} } \seealso{\code{\link{safe}}.} \keyword{ hplot }