\name{getCmatrix} \alias{getCmatrix} \title{ Generation of a C matrix } \description{ This function will convert a list, vector or file of gene annotation into a C matrix. Size constraints, and present/absent calls can be set to filter categories and genes accordingly. } \synopsis{ getCmatrix(keyword.list = NULL, gene.list = NULL, vector = NULL, file = NULL, delimiter = ",", present.genes = NULL, GO.ont = NULL, min.size = 0, max.size = Inf, as.matrix = FALSE, ...) } \usage{ getCmatrix(keyword.list, present.genes=, GO.ont=) getCmatrix(gene.list, present.genes=, min.size=, max.size=) getCmatrix(vector=, delimiter=, as.matrix=) getCmatrix(file=, delimiter=, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{keyword.list}{ A list containing character vectors for each keyword that specify the gene members. } \item{gene.list}{ A list containing character vectors for each gene that specify the functional categories it belongs to. } \item{vector}{ A character vector of gene annotation with a specified delimiter between category keywords. } \item{file}{ A file containing the character vector of gene annotation. } \item{delimiter}{ Delimiter used between category keywords when provided as a vector or file. } \item{present.genes}{ An optional vector used to filter genes in the C matrix. Can be provided as an unordered character vector of gene names that match \code{names(list)}, or as an ordered vector of presence (\code{1}) and absence (\code{0}) calls. } \item{GO.ont}{ "CC","BP",or "MF" specify the ontology to limit categories to. } \item{min.size}{ Optional minimum category size to be considered. } \item{max.size}{ Optional maximum category size to be considered. } \item{as.matrix}{ Optional argument to specify a matrix is returned rather than a matrix.csr.} \item{...}{Any extra arguments will be forwarded to the read.table function when category assignments are given as a file.} } \value{ \item{C.mat.csr}{ If \code{as.matrix=F} a sparse matrix is returned with the rows corresponding to the genes and columns are categories} \item{row.names}{ Character vector of gene names} \item{col.names}{ Character vector of category names} } \references{ W. T. Barry, A. B. Nobel and F.A. Wright, 2005, \emph{Significance Analysis of functional categories in gene expression studies: a structured permutation approach}, \emph{Bioinformatics} \bold{21}(9) 1943-9. See also the vignette included with this package. } \author{ William T. Barry: \email{bill.barry@duke.edu} } \seealso{\code{\link{safe}}, \code{\link{safeplot}}, \code{\link{getPImatrix}}.} \examples{ ## A simple illustration anno <- c("Keyword1","Keyword2;Keyword3","", "Keyword3;Keyword1","Keyword3") names(anno) <- paste("Gene",1:5) getCmatrix(vector = anno, delimiter = ";", as.matrix=TRUE) } \keyword{ htest }