\name{gene.results} \alias{gene.results} \title{ Gene-specific results from SAFE } \description{ Prints gene-specific local statistics and resampling-based p-values for every probeset in the gene category of interest. Probesets are ordered by the degree and direction of differential expression. } \usage{ gene.results(object = NULL, cat.name = NULL, error = "none", print.it = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ Object of class \code{SAFE}. } \item{cat.name}{ Name of the category to be plotted. If omitted, the most significant category is plotted. } \item{error}{ Specifies a non-resampling based method for adjusting the empirical p-values. A Bonferroni, ("FWER.Bonf"), Holm's step-up ("FWER.Holm"), and Benjamini-Hochberg step down ("FDR.BH") adjustment can be selected. By default ("none") no error rates are computed. } \item{print.it}{ Logical determining whether results are printed to screen or returned as a list of results for up- and down-regulated genes. } } \references{ W. T. Barry, A. B. Nobel and F.A. Wright, 2005, \emph{Significance Analysis of functional categories in gene expression studies: a structured permutation approach}, \emph{Bioinformatics}\bold{21}(9) 1943--1949. See also the vignette included with this package. } \author{ William T. Barry: \email{bill.barry@duke.edu} } \seealso{\code{\link{safe}}.} \keyword{ hplot }