\alias{rsbml_read} \name{SBML import} \title{Read in an SBML file (start here)} \description{Read an SBML file into R.} \usage{rsbml_read(filename, text, dom = TRUE, strict = FALSE, schema = FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{filename}{the name of the SBML file to parse} \item{text}{a string of SBML text to parse (instead of file)} \item{dom}{whether to convert directly to the S4 DOM (\code{TRUE}, the default) or leave as the internal \code{\linkS4class{SBMLDocument}}.} \item{strict}{whether to report warnings in addition to errors or not (\code{FALSE}, the default).} \item{schema}{whether to perform XML schema validation} } \value{a \code{\linkS4class{SBML}} object, or a \code{\linkS4class{SBMLDocument}} if \code{dom} is \code{FALSE}.} \examples{ # Read an SBML file file <- system.file("sbml", "GlycolysisLayout.xml", package = "rsbml") doc <- rsbml_read(file) # Read an SBML string string <- paste(readLines(file),collapse="\n") doc <- rsbml_read(text = string) } \author{Michael Lawrence} \keyword{IO}