\name{SOSProtocol-class} \docType{class} \alias{SOSProtocol-class} \title{SOSProtocol} \description{Holds the parameters controlling the execution of the simulation using the SBML ODE Solver library.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("SOSProtocol", ...)}. Each argument in \code{...} should correspond to one of the slots described below. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{times}:}{A \code{"numeric"} vector indicating the time points at which to evaluate the model. Defaults to \code{tail(seq(0, by = timeStep, length.out = nsim + 1), -1)}. The model is always evaluated at t = 0. This slot is ignored when \code{indefinite} (below) is \code{TRUE}.} \item{\code{timeStep}:}{A scalar \code{"numeric"} value, giving the length in time between model evaluations. This is used when calculating the default value of \code{times}, above, but is otherwise only relevant when the \code{indefinite} slot, below, is \code{TRUE}. Defaults to 1.} \item{\code{indefinite}:}{A scalar \code{"logical"}, indicating whether the simulation should run indefinitely, i.e. until one of the stopping conditions is met. See \code{haltOnEvent} and \code{haltOnSteadyState} below. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.} \item{\code{atol}:}{Scalar \code{"numeric"}, the absolute tolerance in integration error. Defaults to \code{1e-18}.} \item{\code{rtol}:}{Scalar \code{"numeric"}, the relative tolerance in integration error. Defaults to \code{1e-10}.} \item{\code{maxStep}:}{Sclar \code{"numeric"}, the maximum number of steps for integration. Not to be confused with \code{timeStep}, etc, above, which control the simulation time points. Defaults to \code{10000}.} \item{\code{odeMethod}:}{Scalar \code{"character"} naming the method for solving ODEs. Either \code{"bdf"} (the default) or \code{"adams-moulton"}.} \item{\code{iterMethod}:}{Scalar \code{"character"}, naming the iteration method used by the ODE solver, either \code{"newton"} (the default) or \code{"functional"}. } \item{\code{maxOrder}:}{Scalar \code{"numeric"} indicating maximum order for the ODE solver. Defaults to \code{5}.} \item{\code{sensMethod}:}{Scalar \code{"character"} naming the method for sensitivity analysis. One of \code{"none"} (the default and currently the only valid option), \code{"simultaneous"}, \code{"staggered"} or \code{"staggered1"}.} \item{\code{haltOnEvent}:}{Scalar \code{"logical"} indicating whether the simulation should halt when the model emits an \code{\linkS4class{Event}}. This allows the model to stop the simulation when some state is reached. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.} \item{\code{haltOnSteadyState}:}{Scalar \code{"logical"}, indicating whether to halt when a steady state is detected. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.} \item{\code{useJacobian}:}{Scalar \code{"logical"} indicating whether to use Jacobian ASTs (\code{TRUE}, the default) or the internal approximation in the CVODES library.} \item{\code{storeResults}:}{Scalar \code{"logical"} indicating whether to store the entire time course (\code{TRUE}, the default) or just the last time point. Just for performance.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{ExperimentProtocol}"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ No methods defined with class "SOSProtocol" in the signature. } \references{ See \url{http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/~raim/odeSolver/} for more information on the SBML ODE Solver library. } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \details{ Most users will probably set only the \code{times} slot, either directly or through the \code{timeStep} slot and the \code{nsim} parameter to \code{\link{simulate}}. } \seealso{ The \code{\linkS4class{SOSExperiment}} class, which contains a \code{SOSProtocol} instance, for setting up and running a simulation. } \keyword{classes}