\name{rmAmbigMappings} \alias{rmAmbigMappings} \title{Remove genes that map to multiple chromosomes from a chromLocation object} \description{ Due to the automated probe annotation, a subset of probes can be \dQuote{confidently} mapped to multiple chromosomes on the genome. This can cause some confusion if you are trying to perform certain types of data analysis. This function examines a \code{chromLocation} object and removes probes that map to multiple chromosomes. } \usage{ rmAmbigMappings(cL) } \arguments{ \item{cL}{an existing \code{chromLocation} object } } \value{ A \code{chromLocation} object } \author{Kyle A. Furge} \seealso{\code{\link[annotate]{buildChromLocation}}} \examples{ if (require(hu6800)) { library(Biobase) library(annotate) ## Build a specific chrom arm cL <- buildChromLocation("hu6800") cleanCL <- rmAmbigMappings(cL) } } \keyword{ manip }