\name{mcr.eset} \alias{mcr.eset} \docType{data} \title{ Example exprSet and chromLocation objects} \description{ An example exprSet and a chromLocation object generated from an gene expression profiling experiment of leukemic and normal blood cells. Profiling was done on custom pin-printed cDNA arrays. } \usage{data(mcr.eset)} \source{ Lindvall C, Furge K, Bjorkholm M, Guo X, Haab B, Blennow E, Nordenskjold M, Teh BT. Combined genetic and transcriptional profiling of acute myeloid leukemia with normal and complex karyotypes. Haematologica. 2004 Sep;89(9):1072-81 PMID: 15377468 } \examples{ data(mcr.eset) str(mcr.eset) } \keyword{datasets}