\name{cset2band} \alias{cset2band} \title{ cset2band} \description{ This function will summarize gene expression data by cytogenetic band } \usage{ cset2band(exprs, genome, chr = "ALL", organism = NULL, FUN = isAbnormal, ...) } \arguments{ \item{exprs}{ matrix of gene expression data or similar. The rownames must contain the gene identifiers } \item{genome}{ an associated chromLoc annotation object } \item{chr}{a character vector specifying the chromosomes to analyze} \item{organism}{ character, "h" for human, "m" for mouse, and "r" for rat.; defaults to NULL - loads from chromLocation object } \item{FUN}{ function by which to aggregate/summarize each cytogenetic band } \item{\dots}{ extra arguments passed on to the aggregate/summary function } } \details{ This function loops through each band for a given organism and summarizes the data for genes that lie within each cytogenetic band based upon the input function. For example, a matrix of gene expression values could be used and the mean expression of each band be determined by passing the \code{mean} function. Alternative, DNA copy number gains or losses could be predicted using the \code{reb} function and regions of likely gain or losses be summarized by cytogenetic band using the \code{isAbnormal} function. } \value{ a matrix with rows representing cytogenetic bands, and columns representing individual samples. } \author{ Karl Dykema} \examples{ data(mcr.eset) data(idiogramExample) ## Create a vector with the index of normal samples norms <- grep("MNC",colnames(mcr.eset@exprs)) ## Smooth the data using the default 'movbin' method, ## with the normal samples as reference and median centering cset <- reb(mcr.eset@exprs,vai.chr,ref=norms,center=TRUE) ## Mask the result to remove noise exprs <- cset[,-norms] exprs[abs(exprs) < 1.96] <- NA ## Starting data midiogram(exprs,vai.chr,method="i",col=.rwb,dlim=c(-4,4)) ## Summarize each cytogenetic band banded <- cset2band(exprs,vai.chr,FUN=mean,na.rm=TRUE) ## Create chromLocation object based on human cytobands h.cyto <- buildChromCytoband(organism = "h") ## Plot all data using mideogram midiogram(banded,h.cyto,method="i",col=.rwb,dlim=c(-4,4)) } \keyword{ manip }