\name{is.row.na} \alias{is.row.na} \title{Test if a matrix contains missing values} \usage{is.row.na(data) } \description{ The function returns a vector of logical variables, one for each row of the matrix. The variable is \code{TRUE} if the row does not contain any missing values and \code{FAlSE} otherwise. } \arguments{ \item{data}{ The data matrix. } } \value{ The vector of logical variable } \seealso{ is.na } \examples{ ### Generate a matrix M<-matrix(rnorm(100),10,10) M[1,1]<-NA M[1,2]<- -Inf M[3,10]<-NA ### Indices of the rows without missing values ind<-is.row.na(M) ### Submatrix of M with finite values M.finite<-M[ind,] } \author{Raphael Gottardo} \keyword{}