\name{hiv} \docType{data} \alias{hiv} \title{Cellular gene expression upon human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection of CD4+-T-Cell lines} \description{ This data set consists of 4 experiments using the same RNA preparation on 4 different slides. The expression levels of ~7000 cellular RNA transcripts were assessed in CD4-T-cell lines at time $t=24$ hour after infection with HIV virus type 1. The first 4 columns correspond to the first treatment state (hiv infected). The second four represent the control state. The experiment is a balanced dye swap experiment. Finally, the last two columns contain the row and column positions of each gene on the array (slide). } \usage{data(hiv)} \source{http://expression.microslu.washington.edu/expression/vantwoutjvi2002.html} \references{ van't Wout, A. B. ,Lehrma, G. K., Mikheeva, S. A., O'Keeffe, G. C., Katze, M. G., Bumgarner, R. E., Geiss, G. K. and Mullins, J. I. Cellular gene expression upon human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection of CD4+-T-Cell lines Journal of Virology, 2003. 77(2):1392-1402.} \keyword{datasets}