\name{parameters-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{parameters} \alias{parameters-class} \title{Class "parameters" } \description{This object contains contains parameters of GADEM analysis} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("motif_gadem", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{numWordGroup}{:number of non-zero k-mer groups. } \item{numTop3mer}{:Number of top-ranked trimers for spaced dyads (default: 20). } \item{verbose}{:Print immediate results on screen [1-yes (default), 0-no].} \item{numTop4mer}{:Number of top-ranked tetramers for spaced dyads (default: 40).} \item{numTop5mer}{:Number of top-ranked pentamers for spaced dyads (default: 60).} \item{numGeneration}{:Number of genetic algorithm (GA) generations (default: 5).} \item{populationSize}{:GA population size (default: 100).} \item{pValue}{:P-value cutoff for declaring BINDING SITES (default: 0.0002). } \item{eValue}{:ln(E-value) cutoff for selecting MOTIFS (default: 0.0).} \item{extTrim}{:Base extension and trimming (1 -yes, 0 -no) (default: 1).} \item{minSpaceWidth}{:Minimal number of unspecified nucleotides in spaced dyads (default: 0).} \item{maxSpaceWidth}{:Maximal number of unspecified nucleotides in spaced dyads (default: 10).} \item{useChIPscore}{:Use top-scoring sequences for deriving PWMs.} \item{numEM}{:Number of EM steps (default: 40).} \item{fEM}{:Fraction of sequences used in EM to obtain PWMs in an unseeded analysis (default: 0.5).} \item{widthWt}{:For -posWt 1 or 3, width of central sequence region with large EM weights for PWM optimization (default: 50).} \item{fullScan}{:GADEM keeps two copies of the input sequences internally.} \item{userBackgModel}{:To run analysis in background (default : 0).} \item{slideWinPWM}{:sliding window for comparing pwm similarity (default : 6).} \item{stopCriterion}{} \item{MarkovOrder}{:Background Markov order,user-specified order highest order available in user-specified background indicator (default : 0).} \item{userMarkovOrder}{:Background Markov order,user-specified order highest order available in user-specified background indicator (default : 0).} \item{numBackgSets}{:Number of sets of background sequences (default: 10).} \item{weightType}{:Weight profile for positions on the sequence.} \item{pgf}{:By default, GADEM uses the Staden probability generating function (pgf) method to approximate the exact llr score null distribution.} \item{startPWMfound}{:Value for the PWM (default : 0).} \item{bOrder}{:The order of the background Markov model for computing llr scores: 0 - 0th 1 - 1st 2 - 2nd 8 - 8th} \item{bFileName}{:Reading user-specified background models.} \item{fpwm0}{:File name for the seed PWM, when a seeded approach is used.} \item{nSequences}{:number of input sequences.} } } \author{Arnaud Droit \email{arnaud.droit@ircm.qc.ca}} \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{gadem}} , \code{\linkS4class{align}}, \code{\linkS4class{motif}} } \examples{ showClass("parameters") } \keyword{classes}