\name{getChangedRegions} \alias{getChangedRegions} \title{getChangedRegions} \description{ retrieve regions of interest in a vector of intensities using quantile smoothing } \usage{ getChangedRegions(intensities, positions, normalized.to=1, interval, threshold, minlength=2, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{intensities}{numeric vector} \item{positions}{numeric vector of the same length as intensities. If this argument is not given the results contain the indexes of the \code{intensities} vector, else the values in \code{positions} are used. Both vectors are sorted in the order of \code{positions}. } \item{normalized.to}{numeric, reference value. Changes are compared to this value} \item{interval}{numeric [0,1], bandwidth around reference. If the smoothed line at the higher quantile drops below the \code{normalized.to} value, a deleted region is recognized, and vice versa.} \item{threshold}{numeric, if the median smoothed value drops below \code{normalized.to - threshold}, or above \code{normalized.to + threshold} a changed region is called} \item{minlength}{integer, not used currently} \item{\dots}{extra arguments for \code{quantsmooth} function} } \details{ This function uses \code{quantsmooth} to detect regions in the genome that are abnormal. If \code{interval} is set then a smoothed line is calculated for \code{tau = 0.5 - interval/2}, and a region is determined as upregulated if this line is above the reference. Down regulation is determined when the smoothed line for \code{tau = 0.5 + interval/2} is below the reference value. If \code{threshold} is set then a smoothed line is calculated for \code{tau = 0.5} and up- or down regulation are determined when this line is outside the range \code{[normalized.t - threshold:normalized.to + threshold]} } \value{ A data.frame with 3 colums is returned. Each row contains a region with columns \code{up}, \code{start} and \code{end}. \code{start} and \code{end} indicate positions in the vector of the first and last position that were up- or downregulated } \author{Jan Oosting} \examples{ data(chr14) getChangedRegions(ill.cn[,1],ill.pos,normalized.to=2,interval=0.5) } \keyword{attribute}