\name{qpRndGraph} \alias{qpRndGraph} \title{ Random undirected graphs with maximum connectivity degree } \description{ Builds a random undirected graph with a bounded maximum connectivity degree (boundary) on every vertex. } \usage{ qpRndGraph(n.vtx, n.bd) } \arguments{ \item{n.vtx}{number of vertices.} \item{n.bd}{maximum boundary for every vertex.} } \details{ This is a very simple function to generate random undirected graphs where we impose a maximum order of correlation between disconnected vertices when using it to sample multivariate normal data reflecting the conditional independencies encoded in this graph. Note that the maximum order of correlation between two disconnected vertices is bounded by the minimum degree of connectivity of the two vertices. The algorithm employed is not designed to ensure a uniform probability distribution on the set of graphs with the given maximum boundary that may be sampled with positive probability. } \value{ The adjacency matrix of the resulting graph. } \references{ Castelo, R. and Roverato, A. A robust procedure for Gaussian graphical model search from microarray data with p larger than n, \emph{J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, 7:2621-2650, 2006. } \author{R. Castelo and A. Roverato} \seealso{ \code{\link{qpNrr}} } \examples{ nVar <- 50 ## number of vertices maxCon <- 5 ## maximum connectivity per vertex A <- qpRndGraph(n.vtx=nVar, n.bd=maxCon) summary(rowSums(A)) } \keyword{models} \keyword{multivariate}