\name{qpGraphDensity} \alias{qpGraphDensity} \title{ Densities of resulting qp-graphs } \description{ Calculates and plots the graph density as function of the non-rejection rate. } \usage{ qpGraphDensity(nrrMatrix, threshold.lim=c(0,1), breaks=5, plot=TRUE, qpGraphDensityOutput=NULL, density.digits=0, titlegd="graph density as function of threshold") } \arguments{ \item{nrrMatrix}{matrix of non-rejection rates.} \item{threshold.lim}{range of threshold values on the non-rejection rate.} \item{breaks}{either a number of threshold bins or a vector of threshold breakpoints.} \item{plot}{logical; if TRUE makes a plot of the result; if FALSE it does not.} \item{qpGraphDensityOutput}{output from a previous call to \code{\link{qpGraphDensity}}. This allows one to plot the result changing some of the plotting parameters without having to do the calculation again.} \item{density.digits}{number of digits in the reported graph densities.} \item{titlegd}{main title to be shown in the plot.} } \details{ The estimate of the sparseness of the resulting qp-graphs is calculated as one minus the area enclosed under the curve of graph densities. } \value{ A list with the graph density as function of threshold and an estimate of the sparseness of the resulting qp-graphs across the thresholds. } \references{ Castelo, R. and Roverato, A. A robust procedure for Gaussian graphical model search from microarray data with p larger than n, \emph{J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, 7:2621-2650, 2006. } \author{R. Castelo and A. Roverato} \seealso{ \code{\link{qpNrr}} \code{\link{qpAvgNrr}} \code{\link{qpEdgeNrr}} \code{\link{qpClique}} } \examples{ require(mvtnorm) nVar <- 50 ## number of variables maxCon <- 5 ## maximum connectivity per variable nObs <- 30 ## number of observations to simulate set.seed(123) A <- qpRndGraph(n.vtx=nVar, n.bd=maxCon) Sigma <- qpG2Sigma(A, rho=0.5) X <- rmvnorm(nObs, sigma=Sigma) ## the higher the q the sparser the qp-graph nrr.estimates <- qpNrr(X, q=1, verbose=FALSE) qpGraphDensity(nrr.estimates, plot=FALSE)$sparseness nrr.estimates <- qpNrr(X, q=5, verbose=FALSE) qpGraphDensity(nrr.estimates, plot=FALSE)$sparseness } \keyword{models} \keyword{multivariate}