\name{separateExptBySize} \alias{separateExptBySize} \title{A function to partition experiments in user defined small, medium, large scale experiments} \description{This function partitions protein interaction data into one of three classes defined by boundaries supplied by the users.} \usage{ separateExptBySize(listOfGraphs, bound1, bound2) } \arguments{ \item{listOfGraphs}{A list containing graphNEL objects to be sorted by the number of edges} \item{bound1}{An integer. The strict upper bound for the small scale experiments and the lower bound for the medium scale experiments.} \item{bound2}{An integer. The upper bound for the medium scale experiments, and the strict lower bound for the large scale experiments.} } \value{ A list: \item{small}{A list of graph objects with the number of edges in each graph less than bound1.} \item{medium}{A list of graph objects with the number of edges in each graph of a value between that of bound1 and bound2.} \item{large}{A list of graph objects with the number of edges in each graph greater than bound2.} } \details{ A function to partition graphs based on the number of edges. } \author{T. Chiang } \keyword{manip}