\name{idProteinType} \alias{idViableProteins} \alias{idHomodimers} \title{A function to determine viable baits, viable preys, or homodimers within experimental data-sets.} \description{ These functions take a bait to prey directed graphNEL and returns either a character vector of all proteins which participates in homodimer relationships or a list of three character vectors: a vector of viable baits, a vector of viable prey, and a vector of the viable bait/prey. } \usage{ idViableProteins(bpGraph, homomer=TRUE) idHomodimers(bpGraph) } \arguments{ \item{bpGraph}{A directed graphNEL} \item{homomer}{A logical. If True, homomer relationships will also be used to characterize proteins as viable baits, viable prey, and also as viable bait/prey simultaneously. If False, those proteins whose only intraction is a homomer relationship will not be characterized as viable in any context.} } \value{ The return value for idHomodimers is a character vector of those proteins which participates in homomer relationships. The return value for idViableProteins is a list of two character vectors: \item{VB}{A vector of baits that finds at least one prey in the experimental graphNEL, i.e. the nodes with out-degree at greater than 0. If homomer = FALSE, those proteins which participate in only homomer relationships will not be returned.} \item{VP}{A vector of prey which is found by at least one bait in the experimental graphNEL, i.e. the nodes with in-degree at greater than 0. If homomer = FALSE, those proteins which participate in only homomer relationships will not be returned.} \item{VBP}{A vector of proteins that are both viable baits and viable prey in an experimental dataset as defined above. If homomer = FALSE, those proteins which participate in only homomer relationships will not be returned.} } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ library(ppiData) idViableProteins(ItoCore2001BPGraph) idHomodimers(ItoCore2001BPGraph) } \keyword{datagen}