\name{hgTests} \alias{ppiHGTest4GO} \alias{ppiHGTest4PFAM} \title{A wrapper function to implement the Hypergeometric test, HyperGTest found withing the Category and GOstats packages.} \description{ This function takes the instances of the hyperGParams and conducts a (conditional) test for over/under representation of some category under the Hypergeometric distribution. } \usage{ ppiHGTest4GO(parameter, filename, append=TRUE, label = "Experiment name here", typeGeneSet = "Describe the gene set here", cs=50) ppiHGTest4PFAM(parameter, filename, append = TRUE, label = "Experiment Name Here", typeGeneSet = "Describe the Gene Set Here", cs = 50) } \arguments{ \item{parameter}{An object of hyperGParams.} \item{filename}{A character vector. The name given to the .html file produced.} \item{append}{A logical. If multiple tests are conducted using the same filename, then the .html file will be appended if TRUE or over-written if FALSE.} \item{label}{A character. The should give a description of the experiment used to obtain the gene set.} \item{typeGeneSet}{A character: this character vector should adequately describe the gene set itself.} \item{cs}{A numeric. This gives a cut-off for the size of the categories in which we conduct the test.} } \value{ A instance of the class hyperGTest as well as an .html file. } \references{} \author{T Chiang} \examples{ } \keyword{datagen}