\name{hgParams} \alias{ppiBuildParams4GO} \alias{ppiBuildParams4PFAM} \title{A wrapper function to build a parameter class for the input of the HyperGTest.} \description{ This function takes a gene set and conducts test for either over or under representation of some category using the Hypergeometric distribution. The two differences when building the parameter classes are that a conditional test can be performed on the GO dag but not on PFAM categories and an ontology can be assigned to GO but not to PFAM. } \usage{ ppiBuildParams4GO(geneSet, universe, direction="over", annot="org.Sc.sgd", ontology = "CC", cond=TRUE, pThresh = 0.01) ppiBuildParams4PFAM(geneSet, universe, annot ="org.Sc.sgd", direction = "over", pThresh=0.01) } \arguments{ \item{geneSet}{A character vector of genes given by the gene locus name.} \item{universe}{The set of genes by which the geneSet is tested against for over/under representation. The genes are also given by the gene locus names.} \item{direction}{A character. This parameter can be either set to over or under when testing for GO categories.} \item{annot}{A character. The annotation package used.} \item{ontology}{A character: either CC, MF, or BP to describe the GO ontology.} \item{cond}{A logical. To test within the CO dag, a conditional hypergeometric test can be conducted.} \item{pThresh}{A numeric. A p-value threshold by which the null hypothesis is rejected.} } \value{ A object of class hyperGParams. } \references{} \author{T Chiang} \examples{ } \keyword{datagen}