\name{estimateCCMErrorRates} \alias{estimateCCMErrorRates} \title{Estimate false positive and false negative error probabilities} \description{Estimate false positive and false negative error probabilities for complex comembership edges using a protein complex interactome gold standard} \usage{ estimateCCMErrorRates(m,GS,filterSystematic=TRUE, obsPropThresh=1,SystematicpThresh=.01) } \arguments{ \item{m}{The bait to prey data adjacency matrix. Baits index the rows and prey index the columns.} \item{GS}{A gold standard protein complex interaction incidence matrix. Proteins index the rows and protein complexes index the columns. } \item{filterSystematic}{A logical. If TRUE, all baits with with highly uneven directed degree will be filtered out of the data.} \item{obsPropThresh}{A numeric between 0 and 1. The proportion of tested proteins found within a protein complex needed to keep that protein complex within the gold standard set.} \item{SystematicpThresh}{A numeric between 0 and 1. The p-value threshold by which systematic errors are filtered.} } \value{ A list: \item{globalpTP}{A numeric between 0 and 1. Estimate of pTP.} \item{globalpTPSE}{A numeric. Estimate of standard error of globalpTP estimate.} \item{globalpFP}{A numeric between 0 and 1. Estimate of pFP.} \item{pTP95CI}{A vector of length 2. 95 percent confidence interval upper and lower bounds for globalpTP estimate.} \item{pFP95CI}{A vector of length 2. 95 percent confidence interval upper and lower bounds for globalpFP estimate.} \item{nEligComplexes}{A numeric. Number of complexes from GS that met obsPropThresh criteria.} \item{nEligBaits}{A numeric. Total number of eligible baits in GS set.} \item{nEligEdges}{A numeric. Total number of eligible edges in GS set.} \item{nBaitsInComplexes}{A vector. Number of baits in each eligible complex.} \item{complexSizes}{A vector. Size of each complex in GS set.} } \details{The model is described in the manuscript \emph{Estimating node degree in bait-prey graphs.} by D. Scholtens et al. } \references{Scholtens D, Chiang T, Huber W, Gentleman R. Estimating node degree in bait-prey graphs. \emph{Bioinformatics}. To appear.} \author{T. Chiang and D. Scholtens} \examples{ data(Ho2002BPGraph) data(ScISIC) Ho2002mat = as(Ho2002BPGraph,"matrix") estimateCCMErrorRates(Ho2002mat,ScISIC)$globalpTP } \keyword{manip}