\name{createSummaryTables} \alias{createSummaryTables} \title{A function to create summary statistic tables for directed graphs} \description{ This function takes a list of directed graph objects and creates a summary table based on the directed connectivity. } \usage{ createSummaryTables(dataGraphs) } \arguments{ \item{dataGraphs}{A named list of directed graphNELs} } \value{ A dataframe with the rows indexed by the names of each directed graphNEL and the columns indexed by viable baits (VB), viable prey (VP), viable bait/prey (VBP), the ratio of viable bait/prey by viable baits (VBP/VB), the ratio of viable prey by viable baits (VP/VB), the total number of directed interactions (TI), and the ratio of total intractions by viable baits (TI/VB). } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ graphs = lapply(bpExperimentNames, function(x) get(x)) names(graphs) = bpExperimentNames createSummaryTables(graphs) } \keyword{datagen}