\name{assessSymmetry} \alias{assessSymmetry} \title{A function that calcualtes some directed degree statistics on graphs using a binomial error model} \description{ This function takes in a bait to prey protein-protein interaction graph (undirected) and calculates the reciprocated degree, the unreciprocated in and out degrees. Using this information and binomial error model, it asses the p-value for the in and out degree of each protein. Lastly, it plots the countour curves for these p-values } \usage{ assessSymmetry(bpMat, bpGraph = FALSE, prob=0.5, pLevels = 1e-4) } \arguments{ \item{bpMat}{Either a bait to prey directed graphNEL or its corresponding adjacency matrix.} \item{bpGraph}{A logical. If TRUE, than bpMat is passed in by the user as a graphNEL.} \item{pLevels}{A numeric vector. It gives the levels to calculate the countours of the function in p in the (n-in, n-out)-plane} \item{prob}{A numeric. The bias of the coin used in the function pbinom call.} } \value{ A list: \item{deg}{A 3xn matrix. The rows are indexed by each protein. Column one gives the number of reciprocated edges; column two gives the number of unreciprocated out edges; colunm three gives the number of unreciprocated in-edges} \item{p}{The p-value for each protein with experimental in and out degrees} \item{countours}{The countours as a function of p} } \author{W Huber} \examples{ library(ppiData) assessSymmetry(Ito2001BPGraph, bpGraph=TRUE) } \keyword{datagen}