\name{logitT} \alias{logitTTransform} \alias{logitTStat} \alias{studenttTTest} \title{logit-t and t-test by row} \usage{ logitTTransform(pm) logitTStat(affy.batch,group) studenttTTest(x, group) } \description{ Functions for the logit-t test (Lemon et al. 2003) and the ordinary t-test computed for each row of an matrix. } \arguments{ \item{pm}{A matrix of Pm intensities} \item{affy.batch}{An AffyBatch object} \item{group}{A group indicator vector, should have values 1 and 2 only.} \item{x}{A matrix} } \details{ See the definition (R-code) of each function for details. } \value{ logitTTransform returns a matrix logitTStat returns a vector with the logit-t statistic for each probe set. studenttTTest returns a vector with t-statistic for each row of x. } \references{ Lemon et al. (2003). A high performance test of differential gene expression for oligonucleotide arrays. Genome Biol. 2003; 4(10):R67 } \author{Magnus \eqn{\mbox{\AA}}{A}strand} \examples{ # ------------------------------------------ # Example analyzing the 6 arrays in the # AffySpikeU95Subset data set # Loading the data data(AffySpikeU95Subset) # Vector with groups assignment group<-factor(rep(1:2,each=3)) # logit-T statistic logitT<-logitTStat(AffySpikeU95Subset, as.numeric(group)) # Computing RMA expression index data.rma<-exprs(rma(AffySpikeU95Subset)) # Ordinary t-test by row/gene studentT<-studenttTTest(data.rma, as.numeric(group)) # Comparing genes ranked top-20 logitTTop20 <- rank(-abs(logitT)) < 21 studentTTop20<- rank(-abs(studentT)) < 21 table(logitTTop20,studentTTop20) } \keyword{univar} \keyword{manip}