\name{xyplot} \alias{xyplot} \alias{xyplot-method} \alias{xyplot,formula,flowPlate-method} \docType{methods} \title{ Scatter plots (dotplots) for flowPlates. } \description{ A function to create dotplots, and smoothed scatter plots, from flowPlates. This function is a slightly modified version of xyplot from flowViz. The flowPlate xyplot allows users to overlay plots of test samples versus controls, and makes creating informative flowStrips easier. Refer to the documentation for xyplot from flowViz and lattice for more detailed information. } \usage{ \S4method{xyplot}{formula,flowPlate}(x, data, xlab, ylab, as.table = TRUE, prepanel = prepanel.xyplot.flowPlate, panel = panel.xyplot.flowPlate, pch = ".", smooth = TRUE, filter = NULL, filterResults = NULL, displayFilter = TRUE, flowStrip=NULL, flowStripCex=1, strip=function(...,style=1) strip.default(...,style=1), ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A formula describing the layout of the plots. Plots for flowPlates usually condition on either \code{as.factor(name)} or \code{as.factor(Well.Id)} since only one flowFrame can be shown on each panel (with the exception of Negative.Control overlays).} \item{data}{A flowPlate.} \item{xlab}{Label for x-axis.} \item{ylab}{Label for y-axis.} \item{as.table}{Defaults to table layout.} \item{prepanel}{Lattice-flowViz prepanel function.} \item{panel}{Lattice-flowViz panel function.} \item{pch}{Plotting character.} \item{smooth}{Plot a smoothed scatterplot by default.} \item{filter}{A flowCore filter to apply to each flowFrame.} \item{filterResults}{If filterResults="Negative.Control", the negative control wells corresponding to a test well are overlayed in the test well plots.} \item{displayFilter}{Defaults to displaying filter on the plot.} \item{flowStrip}{Character vector indicating additional information to be printed on the strip. Values can include any combination of "Well.Id","MFI","MFI.Ratio", and "Percent.Positive".} \item{flowStripCex}{Font size for the flowStrip.} \item{strip}{Lattice strip function.} \item{\dots}{Optional arguments} } \seealso{ \code{\link[flowViz:xyplot]{flowViz::xyplot}} } \author{ Errol Strain } \examples{ library(plateCore) data(plateCore) # Create a flowPlate from the sample data in plateCore fp <- flowPlate(pbmcPlate,wellAnnotation,plateName="P1") ## Create a rectangle filter rectGate <- rectangleGate("FSC-H"=c(300,700),"SSC-H"=c(50,400)) xyplot(`SSC-H` ~ `FSC-H` | as.factor(name), fp[1], smooth=FALSE, filter=rectGate, displayFilter=FALSE) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{dplot}