\name{wellAnnotation} \alias{wellAnnotation} \alias{wellAnnotation-method} \alias{wellAnnotation,flowPlate-method} \docType{methods} \title{ Retrieve a data.frame describing the content of a flowPlate } \description{ wellAnnotation returns the tall \code{data.frame} describing the layout of a \code{flowPate}, where each row corresponds to one well-channel. } \usage{ wellAnnotation(fp, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{fp}{ A flowPlate dataset. } \item{\dots}{optional arguments} } \value{ Returns a \code{data.frame}. } \author{ Errol Strain } \examples{ library(plateCore) data(plateCore) # Create a flowPlate from the sample data in plateCore fp <- flowPlate(pbmcPlate,wellAnnotation,plateName="P1") # Look at the top of wellAnnotation head(wellAnnotation(fp)) } \keyword{ methods }