\name{plotPlate} \alias{plotPlate} \alias{plotPlate-method} \alias{plotPlate,flowPlate-method} \docType{methods} \title{ plotPlate } \description{ Make a row vs. column plot of a plate, where the wells are colored according to some value of choice (number of events, median signal intensity, percent positive, etc.).) } \usage{ plotPlate(fp, x = NA, method = "median", main, col, values, width = 1, na.action = "zero", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{fp}{ A \code{flowPlate}. } \item{x}{ A \code{character} indicating the variable of interest. Valid choices are "events", any single channel name (e.g. FSC-H, SSC-H, FL1-H, etc.), or vector of channel names if the method is mahalanobis. } \item{method}{ Valid choices are mean, median, sd, mad, mahalanobis, or one of the numeric columns in the wellAnnotation data.frame (e.g. Percent.Positive, Positive.Count, MFI, MFI.Ratio) } \item{main}{ Main text for the plot } \item{col}{ Character vector of two colors. } \item{values}{ Optional list of values, with names corresponding to sampleNames, that will be used for plotting. } \item{width}{ Width of the well. } \item{na.action}{ Handling of NA values, either "zero" or "omit". } \item{\dots}{optional arguments} } \value{ Plots the plate to the standard output. } \references{ The original version of this plot came from the \code{prada} package. } \author{ Jon Gosink and Errol Strain } \examples{ library(plateCore) data(plateCore) ## Create a flowPlate fp <- flowPlate(pbmcPlate,wellAnnotation,"p1001") plotPlate(transform("FL1-H"=log10) \%on\% fp,x="FL1-H",method="mean",col=c("yellow", "darkblue")) } \keyword{ methods }