\name{pbmcPlate} \alias{pbmcPlate} \docType{data} \title{ pbmcPlate Data Set} \description{ One 96-well plate from a BD FACS CAP analysis of Peripheral Blood Mononucleocyte (PMBC) cells. } \usage{data(plateCore)} \format{ The format is an object of class \code{flowSet} composed of 96 \code{flowFrames}. Each \code{flowFrame} corresponds to one well from the plate. } \details{ BD FACS CAP (\url{http://www.bd.com/technologies/discovery_platform/BD_FACS_CAP.asp}) is a platform for screening a large number of antibodies (200+) on human samples. Antibodies are arrayed 3-per well on a 96-well plate, along with the appropriate controls. In this experiment, an early version of FACS CAP was used to screen PBMCs from 2 donors for 189 different human cell surface markers. The complete data set is available from the FICCS site shown below. The \code{pbmcPlate} include with plateCore is a lymphocyte enriched subset of one of the replicate plates for donor 1. } \source{ Complete dataset available at \url{http://www.ficcs.org/software.html#Data_Files}, the Flow Informatics and Computational Cytometry Society website (FICCS) } \references{ Add reference for plateCore paper (when/if published). } \keyword{datasets}