\name{\%on\%} \docType{methods} \alias{\%on\%} \alias{\%on\%-methods} \alias{\%on\%,ANY,flowPlate-method} \title{Methods for Function \%on\% in Package `plateCore'} \description{ This operator is used to construct a \code{transformFilter} that first applies a \code{transformList} to the data before applying the \code{filter} operation to a \code{flowPlate}. } \author{Errol Strain} \examples{ library(plateCore) data(plateCore) # Create a flowPlate from the sample data in plateCore fp <- flowPlate(pbmcPlate,wellAnnotation,plateName="P1") ## Create a rectangle filter rectGate <- rectangleGate("FSC-H"=c(300,700),"SSC-H"=c(50,400)) xyplot(`FL1-H` ~ `FSC-H` | as.factor(name), transform("FL1-H"=log10) \%on\% fp, smooth=FALSE, filter=rectGate, displayFilter=FALSE) } \keyword{methods}