\name{densityplot} \alias{densityplot} \alias{densityplot-method} \alias{densityplot,formula,flowPlate-method} \alias{densityplot,formula,flowPlate,ANY,ANY,ANY,missing-method} \docType{methods} \title{ One-dimensional density plots for flowPlates } \description{ This function is a modified version of densityplot from the flowViz package that allows for multiple flowFrames per panel. flowViz densityplot plots the density curves in a one per panel style, while the flowPlate densityplot can overlay densities. } \usage{ \S4method{densityplot}{formula,flowPlate}(x, data, xlab, prepanel=prepanel.densityplot.flowPlate, panel = panel.densityplot.flowPlate, as.table=TRUE, filterResult=NULL, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A formula describing the layout of the plots.} \item{data}{A flowPlate.} \item{xlab}{Label for the x-axis} \item{prepanel}{Lattice-flowViz prepanel function.} \item{panel}{Lattice-flowViz panel function.} \item{as.table}{Defaults to table layout.} \item{filterResult}{ filterResult can either take the character string "Negative.Control" and have the negative control wells added to the panels, or if filterResult is a flowFrame then the density curve for the flowFrame will be added to each panel.} \item{\dots}{optional arguments} Other arguments are identical to densityPlot from flowViz. } \seealso{ \code{\link[flowViz:densityplot]{flowViz::densityplot}} } \examples{ # Load the plateCore package and data library(plateCore) data(plateCore) # Create a flowPlate from the sample data in plateCore fp <- flowPlate(pbmcPlate,wellAnnotation,plateName="P1") # Overlay the first 3 flowFrames. If the groups argument was # omitted, then the flowFrames would be combined into a single # density curve. densityplot(~ `FSC-H`, fp[1:3], groups=name, auto.key=TRUE) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{dplot}