\name{applyControlGates} \alias{applyControlGates} \alias{applyControlGates-methods} \alias{applyControlGates,flowPlate-method} \docType{methods} \title{ Apply control gates to a flowPlate } \description{ Once setControlGates has been used to create gates for a flowPlate object, gates are applied to test samples using applyControlGates. The applyControlGates function is separated from setControlGates since gates may need be changed outside of setControlGates. } \usage{ applyControlGates(data, gateType="Negative.Control", \dots) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{ A flowPlate dataset. } \item{gateType}{ The type of gate to be applied to the flowPlate. Currently only "Negative.Control" gates are supported. } \item{\dots}{optional arguments} } \value{ Returns a \code{flowPlate} where the wellAnnotation now contains additional columns corresponding to total number of events in a well (Total.Count), the percentage of cells above background (Percent.Positive), and the number of positive cells (Positive.Count). } \author{ Errol Strain } \seealso{ See Also \code{\link{setControlGates}} } \examples{ library(plateCore) data(plateCore) ## Get the lymphocytes rectGate <- rectangleGate("FSC-H"=c(300,700),"SSC-H"=c(50,400)) pbmcPlate <- Subset(pbmcPlate, rectGate) # Create a flowPlate from the sample data in plateCore fp <- flowPlate(pbmcPlate,wellAnnotation,plateName="P1") # Create a set of negative control gates and then apply them fp <- setControlGates(fp,gateType="Negative.Control") fp <- applyControlGates(fp,gateType="Negative.Control") # Percent Positive and Counts columns are now in the wellAnnotation head(wellAnnotation(fp)) } \keyword{ methods }