\name{z.expectation} %\Rdversion{1.1} \alias{z.expectation} \alias{z.effects} \alias{W.effects} \title{The model parameters z and W} \description{ Expectation of the latent variable z, contribution of each sample to a dependency model, and contribution of each variable. } \usage{ z.expectation(model, X, Y = NULL) z.effects(model, X, Y = NULL) W.effects(model, X, Y = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{model}{ The fitted dependency model. } \item{X, Y}{ Data sets used in fitting the dependency modeling functions (\code{\link{screen.cgh.mrna}} or \code{link{fit.dependency.model}}). Note: Arguments must be given in the same order as in \code{\link{fit.dependency.model}} or \code{\link{screen.cgh.mrna}}. Only \code{X} is needed for dependency model for one data set. } } \details{ \code{z.expectation} gives ML estimate of the shared latent variable Z, given data X, Y and the model parameters in \code{model}. \code{z.effects} gives the contribution of each sample to the dependency score. This is approximated by projecting original data to first principal component of \code{Wz}. \code{W.effects} gives the contribution of each variable to the observed dependency. This is approximated with the loadings of the first principal component of \code{Wz} Original data can be retrieved by locating the row in \code{X} (or \code{Y}) which has the same variable (gene) name than \code{model}. } \value{ \code{z.expectation} gives the matrix z. \code{z.effects} gives a projection vector over the samples and \code{W.effects} gives a projection vector over the variables. } \references{ Dependency Detection with Similarity Constraints, Lahti et al., 2009 Proc. MLSP'09 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, See \url{http://www.cis.hut.fi/lmlahti/publications/mlsp09_preprint.pdf} A Probabilistic Interpretation of Canonical Correlation Analysis, Bach Francis R. and Jordan Michael I. 2005 Technical Report 688. Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkley. \url{http://www.di.ens.fr/~fbach/probacca.pdf} Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis, Tipping Michael E. and Bishop Christopher M. 1999. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society}, Series B, \bold{61}, Part 3, pp. 611--622. \url{http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/cmbishop/downloads/Bishop-PPCA-JRSS.pdf} } \author{ Olli-Pekka Huovilainen \email{ohuovila@gmail.com} and Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi} } \seealso{ \code{\link{DependencyModel-class}}, \code{\link{screen.cgh.mrna}} } \examples{ data(chromosome17) window <- fixed.window(geneExp, geneCopyNum, 150, 10) ## pSimCCA model around one gene depmodel2 <- fit.dependency.model(window$X, window$Y) barplot(z.effects(depmodel2, geneExp, geneCopyNum)) ## Plot the contribution of each genes to the model. Only the X component is plotted ## here since Wx = Wy (in SimCCA) barplot(W.effects(depmodel2, geneExp, geneCopyNum)$X) ## Fit pCCA around one gene depmodel <- fit.dependency.model(window$X, window$Y, zDimension = 1, marginalCovariances = "full", H = NA) ## Retrieve the shared latent variable Z between data sets z.expectation(depmodel, geneExp, geneCopyNum) ## plot.DpenendencyModel shows also sample and variable effects plot(depmodel,geneExp,geneCopyNum) } \keyword{math}