\name{pint.data} %\Rdversion{1.1} \alias{pint.data} \alias{pint.match} \title{ Forms a data set and pairs samples in two data sets. } \description{ Forms a data set for use in functions in 'pint' package (e.g. \code{\link{screen.cgh.mrna}}). Pairs samples in two data sets. } \usage{ pint.data(data, info) pint.match(X, Y, max.dist) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ Probe-level data in a matrix or data frame. } \item{info}{ Location, chromosome, and chromosome arm. Information of the probes as data frame. Location can be given either as \code{loc} or \code{bp}, which is middle location of probe, or as \code{start} and \code{end}. Chromosome arm is given as \code{arm} and chromosome as \code{chr}. } \item{X, Y}{ Data sets to be paired. } \item{max.dist}{maximum distance between paired genes in base pairs. } } \details{ Function \code{pint.match} goes through every sample in \code{X} and finds the nearest sample in \code{Y} which is in the same chromosome arm. If more than one sample in \code{X} has same nearest sample in \code{Y}, all but one is discarded. Samples with longer distance than \code{max.dist} are discarded. } \value{ \code{pint.data} returns a list with a matrix with sample data and a data frame with \code{chr} (chromosome), \code{arm} (chromosome arm) and \code{loc} (location). \code{pint.match} return a list with two data sets. These can be used in \code{\link{screen.cgh.mrna}} function. } \author{ Olli-Pekka Huovilainen \email{ohuovila@gmail.com} } \seealso{ \code{\link{screen.cgh.mrna}}, \code{\link{screen.cgh.mir}}, \code{\link{fit.cgh.mir.byname}} } \examples{ data(chromosome17) newData <- pint.match(geneExp,geneCopyNum,max.dist=1000) }