\name{colorNodes} \alias{colorNodes} \alias{colorNodes,graphNEL,numeric,character,function-method} \title{ attach node coloring information to a graphNEL instance } \description{ attach node coloring information to a graphNEL instance } \usage{ colorNodes(g, nodeAss, pal, attgen) } \arguments{ \item{g}{ graphNEL instance} \item{nodeAss}{ color map for nodes: vector with elements evaluating to colors and nodes as element names} \item{pal}{ a palette (use colorRampPalette for color interpolation) } \item{attgen}{ attribute generating function -- pwayRendAttrs is prototype} } %\details{ %} \value{ a graphNEL instance with additional rendering data } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ example(randomGraph) nn = nodes(g1) x = runif(length(nn)) names(x) = nn h1 = colorNodes(g1, x, colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(length(nn)), pwayRendAttrs) h1 } \keyword{ models }