\name{mv.calout.detect} \alias{mv.calout.detect} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ calibrated multivariate outlier detection } \description{ interface to a parametric multivariate outlier detection algorithm } \usage{ mv.calout.detect(x, k = min(floor((nrow(x) - 1)/2), 100), Ci = C.unstr, lamfun = lams.unstr, alpha = 0.05, method = c("parametric", "rocke", "kosinski.raw", "kosinski.exch")[1], ...) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ data matrix } \item{k}{ upper bound on number of outliers; defaults to just less than half the sample size } \item{Ci}{ function computing Ci, the covariance determinant ratio excluding row i. At present, sole option is \code{C.unstr} (Caroni and Prescott 1992 Appl Stat).} \item{lamfun}{ function computing lambda, the critical values for Ci } \item{alpha}{ false outlier labeling rate } \item{method}{string identifying algorithm to use} \item{\dots}{reserved for future use} } \details{ bushfire is a dataset distributed by Kosinski to illustrate his method. } \value{ a list with components \item{inds }{indices of outlying rows} \item{vals }{values of outlying rows} \item{k }{input parameter k } \item{alpha}{input parameter alpha} } \references{ } \author{ VJ Carey } \examples{ data(tcost) mv.calout.detect(tcost) data(bushfire) mv.calout.detect(bushfire) } \keyword{ models }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS