\name{pamr.to.excel} \alias{pamr.to.excel} \title{ A function to write out a data object into a tab-delimited text file} \description{ A function to write out a data object into a tab-delimited text file} \usage{ pamr.to.excel(data,file,trace=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A data object, of the same form as is read in by pamr.from.excel. Must have components x (the matrix of expression values), y- a vector of class labels for each sample, geneid- a vector of gene identifiers and genenames- a vector of gene names. Optional components: samplelabels and batchlabels, both character vectors} \item{file}{Character name of a text file.} \item{trace}{Optional argument. If true, progress in writing out file is reported.} } \details{ \code{pamr.to.excel} writes out the data object into a tab-delimited text file, of the same form as is read in by pamr.from.excel. Useful for writing out data that has been imputed by pamr.knnimpute or adjusted by pamr.batchadjust. Note- this function writes the file out one line at a time, and hence can take a while for big datasets. } \author{ Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Balasubramanian Narasimhan, and Gilbert Chu } \keyword{ }