\name{pamr.fdr} \alias{pamr.fdr} \title{A function to estimate false discovery rates for the nearest shrunken centroid classifier} \description{A function to estimate false discovery rates for the nearest shrunken centroid classifier} \usage{ pamr.fdr(trained.obj, data, nperms=100, xl.mode=c("regular","firsttime","onetime","lasttime"),xl.time=NULL, xl.prevfit=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{trained.obj}{The result of a call to pamr.train} \item{data}{Data object; same as the one passed to pamr.train} \item{nperms}{Number of permutations for estimation of FDRs. Default is 100} \item{xl.mode}{Used by Excel interface} \item{xl.time}{Used by Excel interface} \item{xl.prevfit}{Used by Excel interface} } \details{ \code{pamr.fdr} estimates false discovery rates for a nearest shrunken centroid classifier } \value{ A list with components: \item{results}{Matrix of estimates FDRs for various various threshold values. Reported are both the median and 90th percentile of the FDR over permutations} \item{pi0}{The estimated proportion of genes that are null, i.e. not significantly different} } \references{} \author{ Trevor Hastie,Robert Tibshirani, Balasubramanian Narasimhan, and Gilbert Chu } \examples{ set.seed(120) x <- matrix(rnorm(1000*20),ncol=20) y <- sample(c(1:4),size=20,replace=TRUE) mydata <- list(x=x,y=factor(y), geneid=as.character(1:nrow(x)), genenames=paste("g", as.character(1:nrow(x)), sep="")) mytrain <- pamr.train(mydata) myfdr <- pamr.fdr(mytrain, mydata) } \keyword{ }