\name{pamr.batchadjust} \alias{pamr.batchadjust} \title{ A function to mean-adjust microarray data by batches} \description{ A function to mean-adjust microarray data by batches } \usage{ pamr.batchadjust(data) } \arguments{ \item{data}{The input data. A list with components: x- an expression genes in the rows, samples in the columns, and y- a vector of the class labels for each sample, and batchlabels- a vector of batch labels for each sample.} This object if the same form as that produced by pamr.from.excel.} \details{ \code{pamr.batchadjust} does a genewise one-way ANOVA adjustment for expression values. Let x(i,j) be the expression for gene i in sample j. Suppose sample j in in batch b, and let B be the set of all samples in batch b. Then \code{pamr.batchadjust} adjusts x(i,j) to x(i,j) - mean[x(i,j)] where the mean is taken over all samples j in B } \value{ A data object of the same form as the input data, with x replaced by the adjusted x} \references{} \author{ Trevor Hastie,Robert Tibshirani, Balasubramanian Narasimhan, and Gilbert Chu } \examples{ set.seed(120) #generate some data x <- matrix(rnorm(1000*20),ncol=20) y <- sample(c(1:4),size=20,replace=TRUE) batchlabels <- sample(c(1:5),size=20,replace=TRUE) mydata <- list(x=x,y=factor(y),batchlabels=factor(batchlabels)) mydata2 <- pamr.batchadjust(mydata) } \keyword{ }