\name{otkvEnv2namedSparse} \alias{otkvEnv2namedSparse} \alias{otkvList2namedSparse} \title{ obtain sparse matrix representation of key-value structures } \description{ obtain sparse matrix representation of key-value structures } \usage{ otkvEnv2namedSparse(obs, tms, otkvEnv) otkvList2namedSparse(obs, tms, otkvlist) } \arguments{ \item{obs}{ obs: vector of object tags} \item{tms}{ tms: vector of terms to which objects are mapped} \item{otkvEnv}{ otkvEnv: environment encoding the key-value mapping} \item{otkvlist}{ otkvlist: list encoding the key-value mapping} } %\details{ %} %\value{ %} %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ otkvList2namedSparse(c("A","B","D","E"), letters[1:7], list("A"=c("a","b"), "B"=c("b","d"),"E"="c")) } \keyword{ models }