\name{gomfAmat} \alias{gomfAmat} \alias{goMFgraphDemo} \non_function{} \title{ sparse matrix representing accessibilities of terms in GO MF graph; graph also documented here } \description{ sparse matrix representing accessibilities of terms in GO MF graph } \usage{data(gomfAmat); data(goMFgraphDemo)} \format{ The format is: list() - attr(*, "Dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ : chr [1:5399] "GO:0000005" "GO:0000006" "GO:0000007" "GO:0000008" ... ..$ : chr [1:5399] "GO:0000005" "GO:0000006" "GO:0000007" "GO:0000008" ... - attr(*, "mat")= list() ..- attr(*, "ra")= num [1:33263] 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ..- attr(*, "ja")= int [1:33263] 1 261 203 3073 1741 1744 2820 5367 2035 5356 ... ..- attr(*, "ia")= int [1:5400] 1 4 14 22 24 30 34 45 50 56 ... ..- attr(*, "dimension")= int [1:2] 5399 5399 ..- attr(*, "class")= atomic [1:1] matrix.csr .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr ".GlobalEnv" - attr(*, "rowindex")=List of 2 ..$ n2i:length 0 ..$ i2n:length 0 - attr(*, "colindex")=List of 2 ..$ n2i:length 0 ..$ i2n:length 0 - attr(*, "class")= atomic [1:1] namedSparse ..- attr(*, "package")= chr ".GlobalEnv" } \source{ built from bioconductor graph, GO and ontoTools package tools } \keyword{datasets}