\name{depthStruct} \alias{depthStruct} \alias{DMdepth} \alias{ontoDepth} \description{return a list of environments giving mapping from node name to rooted DAG depth and from depth to vector of names of nodes at that depth } \title{tools for manipulating depth concepts for rooted DAGs } \usage{ depthStruct(rg) ontoDepth(rg) DMdepth(g, maxd) } \arguments{ \item{rg}{ rg: instance of class rootedDAG} \item{g}{ rg: instance of class depth} \item{maxd}{ maxd: bound on depth to be measured} } %\details{ %} \value{depthStruct: a list of two environments (see examples). } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } \note{ontoDepth is the workhorse for depthStruct. DMdepth is a function that works on a plain graph, creating the 'daughter matrix' and computing depths. } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(litOnto) print(litOnto) g1 <- new("rootedDAG", DAG=litOnto, root="A") o1 <- new("ontology", name="demo", version="0.1", rDAG=g1) print(ds <- depthStruct(g1)) ds$tag2depth("A") ds$tag2depth("H") ds$depth2tag(2) } \keyword{ models }